Are you stuck in the past, relying on traditional methods like emailing and long calls? It's time to upgrade your company's process management system. For those who prefer efficiency and want processes streamlined with just a click, this blog post is for you.

If you're using Qntrl, you're likely familiar with the concept of creating blueprints for every process. This involves deciding how, what, when, and, if necessary, who should handle a job. It's a great idea, but the challenge lies in getting your employees to follow these meticulously crafted processes. In other words, how do you ensure they adhere to established procedures? Let's explore effective strategies to onboard your team and encourage them to follow the processes you've designed.

The problem in process adherence 

Processes that elude discovery or consume too much time

Accessibility is crucial. Teams often struggle to locate necessary processes, leading to inefficiencies. Utilize dedicated platforms or seamlessly integrate processes into familiar apps to enhance accessibility.

Outdated processes

Just like navigating with an ancient map, relying on outdated processes is ineffective. Regularly update processes to ensure they align with the ever-evolving landscape of your business. This ensures relevance and effectiveness.

Dull or difficult-to-read processes

If your processes read like a novel, they may not be engaging or easily comprehensible. Consider a makeover by making them scannable, visually appealing, and easy to understand. Incorporate concise language to enhance readability.

Lack of responsibility for process adherence

Every successful journey needs a captain. Similarly, appoint a process champion or integrate process management into the responsibilities of team leaders. This ensures active management and enforcement of adherence, creating accountability within the team.

Errors treated as one-offs

Instead of blaming individuals for errors, treat them as symptoms rather than the disease. In platforms like Qntrl, errors should prompt a review of the entire process. This approach helps identify underlying issues and prevents the recurrence of similar errors, fostering continuous improvement.

Process adherence is crucial for organizational success, as it ensures consistency, efficiency, and quality in business operations. From a leadership perspective, emphasizing the importance of process adherence is vital for achieving organizational goals.

Recognizing the importance of process outlook   

Leadership alignment

It's crucial for leaders to grasp and convey the importance of process adherence. Building a culture where everyone appreciates and follows established procedures is the key to success.

Clear communication

Articulate the advantages of adhering to processes, emphasizing improved efficiency, reduced errors, and heightened customer satisfaction. Clear communication creates a shared understanding of the value of following established procedures.

Setting the example

Leaders should lead by example, demonstrating the behavior they expect from their teams. Consistent adherence to processes by leadership sets the standard and reinforces the importance of following established guidelines.

Process culture for hands-off leaders

Even for leaders who prefer a hands-off approach, it's essential to empower teams with clear guidelines and expectations. Cultivate an environment where individuals take ownership of their processes, coupled with accountability for adherence.

Feedback mechanisms

Establish channels for open communication to enable team members to provide feedback on existing processes. This fosters a culture of continuous improvement, allowing for the identification of areas that need refinement and ensuring processes stay relevant and effective.

Establishing a process culture with BPM tools   

Invest in BPM tools: Business process management (BPM) tools can streamline and automate processes. Choose tools that align with your organization's needs and facilitate easy monitoring and the optimization of workflows.

Training and integration: Provide comprehensive training on BPM tools to ensure teams are proficient in using them. Integrate these tools into daily operations to enhance efficiency.

Achieving improved process adherence  

Now, let's chart our course toward better process adherence.

Make processes easily available  

  • Store processes in a dedicated, easily accessible platform.

  • Integrate processes into daily apps, like Slack, for seamless use.

Make processes easy to read  

  • In Qntrl, while navigating through everyday tasks, you can let employees preview the entire blueprint of the process. This will make sure they look at tasks holistically and more clearly.

  • Follow clear writing principles. Use imperatives, break down complex tasks, and keep it concise.

Take time to explain processes  

  • Managers, be hands-on in guiding your team through processes.

  • Direct your team to processes and be available for clarifications.

  • If a process needs constant explaining, it might be a process issue, not a comprehension one.

Appoint a process champion  

  • Designate someone responsible for checking process adherence.

  • In smaller teams, task team leaders with this responsibility.

  • Accountability ensures cultural shifts are more than just policy changes.

Treat all human errors as process failures  

  • Analyze errors by checking if the process lacked steps, had outdated methods, or was simply ignored.

Constantly keep processes up to date  

  • Make updating processes a routine task tied to changes in your work methods.

  • Utilize online platforms, like Qntrl, for easy and centralized updates.

How we do it with Qntrl

We've implemented strategies to ensure process adherence.

The process flow is automatically reviewed

  • The moment you create a full-fledged process, Qntrl reviews the flow for you.

  • This ensures accountability and process compliance.


Automated notifications for due tasks

  • You can receive notifications for due tasks.

  • It integrates with email or platforms like Slack for seamless updates.


Add members to tasks for accountability

  • Easily assign individuals or groups to tasks for clear accountability.

  • In this way, everyone knows who's responsible for execution.


See all active processes easily

  • You can get an overview of all your processes in one glance, so it's easy to monitor multiple processes.

  • Instant, detailed information on task status, assignees, and due dates.


The true challenge lies in cultivating a culture that not only embraces but lives by these processes. By incorporating the provided insights and implementing the suggested strategies, you can lay the foundation for a business driven by processes. This approach not only minimizes human errors but also maximizes operational efficiency, creating a pathway for sustained success.




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