It’s no secret that marketing exists to attract, engage, and convert prospects—but it isn’t as simple as creating and waiting. Results are generated as a product of the individual projects that are planned and executed, step by step. All components of marketing, whether it be advertising, social media, content, events, email, or advertising, work together toward a common goal.

Marketing also plays a serious role in an organization’s bottom line, and it isn’t successful without diligently planned and executed workflow management. But the devil is in the details, and even the most talented teams can lose track of all the moving pieces in the hustle and bustle of campaigns.

How can marketing teams keep track of campaigns to optimize outcomes?

Define your marketing workflow
Have you taken the time to outline all the steps you encounter, from the start of a campaign until the project is completed? Once you have a clear outline published, your team will be able to move faster and get results without being forced to reinvent the wheel with each new campaign.

Assign tasks to individuals
Is your team ever wondering whether they should be working on a specific aspect of a campaign? Are there questions regarding whether their input or approval is needed before moving forward? Every team member should be responsible for certain components of the campaign, and accountability helps keep things on track.

Constantly improve your processes
Your goal as a department should always be to continue analyzing your processes to see what is working, what isn’t, where the bottlenecks are, and where improvements can be made. While analyzing your processes, decide which parts of the campaign workflow suck up resources, where lags occur, how you can be more proactive, and what can be better optimized. Revisit your processes on a semi-regular basis to continue making strides.

Keep track of results
Whether it’s daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly, always be looking for ways to evaluate results, adjust tactics for improvement, and stay up to date on campaign progress. If you’re constantly missing targets, identify why. If things are always running late, determine which roadblocks are causing deadlines to be missed.

Ideally, you should be able to gather all your data points into one place. Having a dashboard to monitor how metrics and goals are changing as the project progresses, and how they impact said progress, can keep your team on the same page. The ability to effortlessly review data points also allows teams to clearly interpret key performance indicators, so campaigns can evolve and flourish. After the completion of a campaign, take the time to analyze whether you hit your key targets, why or why not, and how to further future results for subsequent campaigns.

Identify what campaign success means to you
If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it. If you want to work toward consistently launching successful campaigns, you need to clearly define what success looks like. This isn’t the time to be vague. Determine which metrics matter to you, how you're tracking them, and who handles updating particular components when things start.

Use a workflow automation tool
Managing marketing campaigns is a demanding task. The right platform allows you to organize your marketing data and create a single source of truth for the team, offers intuitive customization, and has an approachable learning curve, so your team can focus on getting meaningful work done.

How automation tools help marketers expedite campaigns?

  • Reduce the need for team members to perform repetitive tasks

  • Send better-timed, more relevant messages to your target audience

  • Manage all customer-related information from one place

  • Send automated notifications for assigned tasks and provide timely access to information

  • Set automatic reminders in case anything becomes overdue

Why innovative marketing departments choose Qntrl?

If you’re searching for real-time visibility into all your activities and campaign performance, need an efficient way to bring all your data into one place, want the ability to trigger notifications to your audience about any new content that goes live on your site, and want to set up multiple campaigns based on your marketing strategy, Qntrl is the best choice for your organization. Qntrl helps you oversee your campaigns, from planning to execution. Launch new activities, assign task ownership, track progress, and collaborate with your team in real time.

With Qntrl, teams can add approval tasks to campaign workflows and then approve or reject them based on the budget. You can automate welcome emails for new subscribers, distribute discount codes, and announce upcoming activities. Best of all, you can track overall campaign performance with an easy-to-use report builder. Instantly view the actual cost and revenue metrics, analyze campaign performance, and update the results, all inside a single platform.

Interested in learning more? Check out our ready-to-use templates for email marketing campaigns, social media campaigns, marketing campaigns with budget approval, and our simple marketing campaign process. Customize them to your liking and get started today.


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