Digital transformation is becoming increasingly essential in today's fast-paced business environment. The rise of technology has led to an explosion of data and a shift in consumer behavior; companies that don't adapt risk falling behind their competitors.

Digital transformation has allowed organizations to streamline processes, improve communication and collaboration, and make better use of data to drive growth and innovation. In fact, 56% of CEOs report that their company has experienced an increase in revenue because of digital advancements.

In the new era, especially after the Covid19 outbreak, businesses are indulging in digital transformation to have a significant advantage over those that do not.

What do we mean by digital transformation?

To grasp the significance of process automation in digital transformation, let us first define digital transformation. According to Gartner, "Digital transformation can refer to anything from IT modernization (for example, cloud computing), to digital optimization, to the invention of new digital business models."

Simply put, digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how you operate and deliver value to customers. It's a cultural change that requires organizations to challenge the status quo continually, experiment, and get comfortable with failure.

Major components of digital transformation 

  • Digital strategy: Identifying the business goals and objectives and aligning them with the digital capabilities.
  • Business model transformation: Adopting new business models that leverage digital technologies.
  • Digital culture: Creating a culture that embraces digital transformation and encourages innovation.
  • Digital operations: Automating and optimizing business processes using digital technologies.
  • Digital experience: Improving the customer experience by leveraging digital channels and technologies.
  • Digital technology: Adopting the latest technologies such as cloud, analytics, IoT, AI, and more.
  • Data and analytics: Leveraging data and analytics to drive decision making and improve business outcomes.
  • Security: Ensuring the security and privacy of digital assets and customer data.

Do you need a digital transformation initiative for your business?

A company may need a digital transformation initiative when it is facing challenges such as:

  • Difficulty keeping up with the pace of technological change and digital innovation in its industry.

  • Lagging behind competitors in terms of digital capabilities and performance.

  • Difficulty leveraging data and technology to drive business growth and improve decision making.

  • Inefficiency and ineffectiveness in key business processes due to outdated systems and technologies.

  • Difficulty attracting and retaining customers and employees in a digital-first world.

  • Difficulty scaling the business and reaching new markets due to lack of digital capabilities.


These are some of the common reasons why a company might look into a digital transformation initiative. However, it is important to note that every company is different and the specific reasons will vary depending on the industry and the company itself.

How does process automation cater to digital transformation? 

Process automation in digital transformation is the use of digital technologies to automate business processes. This includes the use of software, robotics, and artificial intelligence to automate tasks that were previously done manually.

The goal of process automation in digital transformation is to increase efficiency, reduce errors, improve decision making, and enhance the customer experience.

It plays a crucial role in catering to digital transformation by streamlining business processes, enhancing data management, improving customer experience, and enabling scalability and compliance.

Automating repetitive and manual tasks can help organizations become more efficient and agile, allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks and create new opportunities for growth.

Automated processes can also help organizations collect, process, and analyze large amounts of data, which can be used to make more informed business decisions. Additionally, process automation can improve customer experience by providing faster and more accurate service, leading to increased customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Automated processes can handle a larger volume of work, allowing organizations to grow their operations without increasing staff. Likewise, they can help organizations ensure compliance with regulatory requirements by providing a clear audit trail of actions and improving overall security.

The MOVYON Case 

MOVYON is a company that specializes in warehouse operations and logistics. They were facing difficulties and inefficiencies in their processes due to the use of traditional methods like shared mailboxes and phone calls.

In an effort to improve their operations and streamline their processes, the company began searching for an effective and user-friendly process automation platform. When they landed on Qntrl, it helped them orchestrate their incoming processes, business unit transfers, external transfers, warehouse transfers, and delivery processes of all warehouses.

The results

The implementation of an automated process platform had a significant impact on MOVYON's warehouse operations, resulting in a drastic reduction of coordination emails and phone calls by over 90%. By having all information captured in one place, it simplified the day-to-day operations and enabled cross-team collaboration goals to be achieved.

Read their full story here.

How to start your digital strategy with process automation

If you are ready to initiate your business's digital transformation, here are some steps to get started with your digital strategy with process automation.

Identify processes that can be automated

Start by analyzing your current business processes to identify the tasks that can be automated. These may include tasks that are repetitive, time consuming, or prone to errors.

Assess the technology needs

Once you've identified the processes that can be automated, assess the technology needs required to automate the business processes. This may include software, hardware, and other tools.

Develop a plan

Develop a plan that outlines the specific steps you'll take to implement process automation. This should include timelines, resource requirements, and expected outcomes.

Implement and test

Implement a process automation tool, like Qntrl, to automate business processes and test it to ensure it is working as expected. Make any necessary adjustments to the solution before fully rolling it out.

Monitor and optimize

Monitor the performance of the automated processes and optimize them as needed. Use data and analytics to measure the success of the automation and identify areas for improvement.

Train employees

Train your employees to use the automated processes and provide ongoing support to ensure they are comfortable with the new system.

Continuously evaluate

Continuously evaluate the performance of your automation initiatives, and make necessary adjustments to ensure they are delivering the desired results.

Bottom line

Digital transformation has become increasingly important for companies looking to improve their efficiency and competitiveness. One key aspect of digital transformation is process automation, which can help companies streamline their operations and improve their performance.

By automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, companies can free up valuable resources, increase productivity, and improve the accuracy and consistency of their operations. By embracing process automation, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and improve the way they operate, ultimately leading to increased efficiency.

Talk to us if you want to start your process automation journey.


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