If you want more innovation and creativity to grow your company, design thinking could be the solution. This co-creation method helps with communication and collaboration between teams, but also helps stimulate creativity for developing new products and services for the organization.

Promoting continuous business improvement and creating transparent processes for promoting and managing knowledge is essential, bringing a new perspective on business challenges.

This article aims to explain what design thinking is in practice, the main steps of this methodology, and how it can be applied in your company to drive innovation further.

What is design thinking, and what are the main stages of the process?

Design thinking, as the name suggests, originated in the design world, but in recent years, it has expanded to different areas within a business.

Today, companies can use it in departments such as sales, marketing, and customer service, for example, as a methodology focused on improving the experience of users and customers.

 This technique seeks to understand the needs and perspectives of consumers to create innovative solutions that solve real problems. With design thinking, teams work to develop products and services that meet the desires of these users, identifying the difficulties and concerns that lead to purchasing decisions.

In practice, the design thinking structure has precisely this purpose, and is made up of the following processes.


Design thinking starts with the ability to understand what the user wants. This involves, for example, creating personas to represent different customer profiles and, of course, the team's experience and direct observations of consumer behavior.


After understanding people's needs, the next step is to define the problem. This step includes organizing information and analyzing data for relevant insights.


This is where creativity shines. Teams can use brainstorming techniques and mind maps to stimulate innovative ideas between each person on different teams.


This stage selects the most tangible ideas and proposes experiments, where teams identify flaws, opportunities for improvement, and refinement of the proposed solutions.


The final phase involves testing the prototypes with users for feedback. This cycle is usually repeated as often as needed until the final product or service is ready for implementation.

How does design thinking promote innovation in your company?

Have you noticed that design thinking differs from traditional techniques for fostering innovation in companies? In the organization's day-to-day life, it isn't easy to measure how this tool can boost a creative culture in your organization. To help explain the concept, here are some advantages of how design thinking promotes innovation in your company.

Improves collaboration between teams: Design thinking enables multidisciplinary partnerships, bringing together professionals from different areas to work together to solve problems, bringing different perspectives to the construction of an innovative solution.

Enhances customer prioritization: The technique places customers at the center of the strategy, promoting a deep understanding of their needs and desires. Thus, it helps create solutions that are more aligned with users' expectations.

Offers continuous interaction: The flexibility of design thinking allows for constant adjustments and the promotion of a culture of feedback between the company and customers, ensuring solutions evolve to meet market demands.

Breaking creative barriers: The methodology encourages innovative ideas and thinking outside the box, creating a mindset of constant change and improvement.

Helps you accept frustrations: It sounds strange, but design thinking encourages experimentation and allows teams to take failures as part of the process. This places even more value on the development of new skills and continuous learning.

Tips for applying design thinking in your company

  • Start with training: Teams must understand how this process works, including its steps and its objectives. Invest in workshops, lectures with experts, and even online courses, if necessary.
  • Integrate design thinking into daily work: Be sure to encourage the sharing of ideas between teams daily, encouraging people to think differently.
  • Create a culture open to new ideas: Motivate teams to experiment, create, and learn new things without fear of failure. Be transparent and promote an organizational culture that prioritizes the exchange of ideas and innovation projects.
  • Include design thinking in existing processes: Keep in mind that the methodology can be integrated into existing business processes, such as product development, marketing, and customer service, among others.
  • Develop collaboration spaces: Create physical environments or virtual orchestras with tools like Qntrl, for example, that promote collaboration and creativity to generate a space conducive to applying design thinking.

Remember, design thinking offers a broad approach to analyzing and solving problems creatively, further stimulating innovation processes in your business.

By adopting this methodology, companies can increasingly focus on users, creating solutions, products, and services that meet their needs and expectations. Furthermore, they can make a more dynamic, competitive business environment based on creativity.


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